Aimee Reviews~ The Who, What, Why of Zoology by Jules Howard

In another life, I would have worked with animals. I’ve always loved animals, whether furry, scaly, soft, or slimy. The Who, What, Why of Zoology is a book which may have sent childhood me on a different path.

Starting with the important question of 'what is zoology', this book explains that there are scientists all over the globe studying the behaviour of animals, discovering the way different animals live and change throughout their lives, and how they exist in their habitats. It explains the history of zoology, too, discussing the change from a lot of work being conducted in museums - to now, where zoologists use modern technology both in labs and in the wild to share ideas and discover new information.

The Who, What, Why of Zoology is a gorgeously illustrated introduction to the world of studying animals. Starting with a range of biomes and habitats, this book explains the unique role each animal takes in their ecosystem. From temperate forests to tropical rainforests, deserts to grasslands, and even the icy tundra. Each highly visual page is filled with countless different things to spot, and bursting at the seams with facts. Whether it's mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and everything else in between this book shows readers up-close how zoologists investigate these species and shares some of the amazing facts about them. For example, did you know that Lizardfish glow in a similar way to neon signs, and Zoologists use UV torches to identify this species underwater?

As the book goes on, it suggests ways in which children can encourage and nurture their love and interest in animals and makes Zoology an exciting option for when they grow up. The book highlights some of the key people working in the field today and their roles - with truly inspiring careers and excellent representation. Any child hoping to grow up working with animals would feel inspired after reading this book and have a greater understanding of what the day-to-day life of a Zoologist might contain.

This book, published by Wide Eyed Editions, is perfect for any animal lover – children and grown-ups alike. There is so much to learn about this ever-changing and diverse science. With climate change and the impact of our modern lifestyle a regular topic in the news, it is exciting to think that books like these may inspire the next generation of people who are fighting to take care of our planet and all of the people living within it. Who knows, perhaps after reading this, one child might decide they want to be a Zoologist when they grow up.

You can purchase your copy here.